Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Senagapindi mirapakaya / Stuffed besan mirchi


Green peppers (Which are long and big) - 6
Besan - 1 cup
Salt - To taste 
Oil - Deep fry 
Carom Seeds/Ajwain/Vamu - 1/4 tsp
Buttermilk - 1/4 cup


1. In a bowl, add besan, salt, vamu and mix well.
2. Cut the mirchi remove the seeds and fill the besan mix inside the mirchi.Keep it aside.
3. Take a pan , and place stuffed mirchi in a pan , pour buttermilk over mirchi and cook for 15mins on medium flame. So that stuffing inside mirchi becomes tie. 
4. After that remove from pan and keep it aside
5. Take a pan for deep fry and add oil . Drop mirchi into hot oil . Fry until the mirchi turns into a golden brown color
6. Remove and drain excess oil on a kitchen towel/absorbent sheet. 

Serve with dal rice or sambar rice 

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