Saturday, October 5, 2013

Moong dal patty


Moong dal - 1/2 cup
Rice - 1/2 cup
Green chilli paste - 2 tbsp
Sesame seeds - 1/4 tbsp
Water - As required
Salt - To taste
Oil - For deep fry


Grind Moong dal and rice as fine powder .


1. In a bowl ,take one cup of grind powder,green chilli, salt mix with hot water
2. Heat oil in a frying pan/Kadai.
3. When the oil is hot, take a small quantity of batter(about the size of half lemon) in your hand and roll into sesame seeds , press it well in your palm to form a small patty (vadai).
4) Gently lower these patty's in the oil. Let the flame be at medium level
5) Fry the patty's until they become golden brown
6) Once fried, remove these patty's from oil and keep it on a plate/bowl with the paper towel (tissue paper) so that the excess oil from the patty's gets absorbed by the paper.

Served with sauce

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